Friday, September 14, 2012

Honk Jr.

We finally got the pictures back from when my sisters and I were in Honk Jr. The above is a picture of the mother duckling and her ducklings (my sister is the fourth from the left.) 

Another adorable duckling (and Drake) picture.
Yours truly! I got to act with a disabled boy who was extremely nice! This show has even more meaning because the main character has a disability and can convey the meaning of being different in a special way. I really enjoyed being in this show! (And just so everyone knows: in theater, green is supposedly an unlucky color. This show went off without a hitch. In your face, superstition!)
"Ugly" and my gang of froggies They were the bomb dot com!
I have the best kiddos!

We had a really great cast and a fantabulous show! I really loved Honk Jr!

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