Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wow! My first blog post. Yeahya! I'm super excited about having a blog and can't wait to get started. After asking my parents for what seems like years, I am thrilled to finally have my very own, honest-to-goodness blog! First of all- some things about me.

1.) I love the Lord. He means everything to me! I can do nothing on my own without Him!

2.) I love my family. I have five siblings, two amazing grandparents and a large family of incredibly supportive people.

3.) I love my friends. My friends are supportive, encouraging and all-around fantabulous. Where would I be without them?

4.) I love theater. A lot of people consider me as another teen who has been recently bitten by the acting bug. Personally, I view myself as a passionate performer who wants to be a light in the world of theater. It's just who I am. But lots more on that later.

5.) I love writing. Hence the blog. However, I am terribly good at procrastination (I really need a T-shirt or something. Maybe even a coffee mug...) so I apologize in advance for very looooong periods of time between blog posts.

6.) I love animals. I live on a farm in the city. Yes, I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but please stay with me. Our house is near the city yet we have about an acre of land populated by horses, goats, chickens, bunnies and turkeys. The term "farm" in our dictionary doesn't mean rolling hills and a creek just down the dirt road. Nor do we have a garden (beyond some dead weeds in our yard) or a cute red farmhouse. Nevertheless, we still consider our one acre of dead dirt (yes, there is such a thing in Arizona) and our handful of animals a farm.

7.) I live in a desert. I would love to be one of those people with a gorgeous garden, alive with the smell of rich dirt and basil, but that is next to impossible in AZ. Sigh.

8.) I am home schooled. As I am in High School, I realize that I am truly blessed to be able to finish my algebra homework in my pajamas.

9.) I know nothing about photography. But I am very eager to learn even though I may have to wade through thousands upon thousands of duds, blurries, and epic failures. So, please do not judge my humble attempts at photography as I experiment.

10.) I know nothing about Facebook or Twitter. Shocking, I know.

That's basically me. Welcome to my life! I hope to write more blog posts as soon as something blog-worthy happens to me. So please follow me!

-Olivia Rose

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