Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Life and Me

Hello, all! So, here is a little overview of my life! This is my newly adopted brother!

I know, too cute to be true, right? I wish I could say I took this picture but, unfortunately I did not. My amazingly talented friend did, however, so all credit goes to her.
Now this picture I did take. We have lots of animals at our house and we love them to death. This is a photo of our first two rabbits.
The above shows me (far right) when I played Annie last summer. Aren't I cute? The other lovely ladies are my siblings and my friend. (In the background you can see bald "Daddy Warbucks" standing on the stage.)
Me in "Seussical the Musical" as Thing 1 in 2010.

Here is a picture of me as the March Hare in Alice in Wonderland in 2009

 This is me (left) with my grandma and my little sister when we were in Honk Jr; a musical about the story of the Ugly Duckling. Yes, I am the crazy person with the green hair. Don't worry, the dye was washable. Now you can see how I earned my nickname "The Green Girl." I played the Bullfrog and my little sister was the character Ugly.
Behold my gorgeous mare, Rosie who is expecting in April! She is a Pony of America with the sweetest heart any four-legged animal has ever possessed.
Here's a snapshot of me helping my mom out by reading a school book to some of my siblings. (Note: I said some. Last I counted I had five siblings. Maybe I counted one twice...)

So there you go, that is a piece of my life. Family. Friends. Acting. Animals. Blogging. I love life.

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